Coronavirus and it's major causes

Coronavirus and it's possible occurrence 
Before to say anything about the coronavirus we should know what is "coronavirus"

Transmission electron microscope image shows SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, isolated from a patient in the U.S. Virus particles are emerging from the surface of cells cultured in the lab. The spikes on the outer edge of the virus particles give coronaviruses their name, crown-like.NIAID-RML
  • Coronavirus: this means any of a group of RNA viruses that cause variety of diseases in human and others animals.they are zoonatic
It's first occurrence in the world emerged from china,Wuhan and hubei in December 2019 it's china from where it all pandemic begin but questions arise from here that "how the virus comes in China ?"

    There are 3 possible occurrence for coronavirus

    1. Comes from other animals: China is well known for its mysterious dishes of wild animals that are not eaten by other people and are said" haraam" by Muslim.the SARS covid-19 which affect human respiratory tract illness are found to be present in the bat (which is quite viralled in a video in which a woman was eating bat soup ),and other animals contains too snakes and mangoose people now claimed that the woman who eated bat soup transmitted the virus
    2.  curse from the GOD : it is an curse from ALLAH to us  for playing with the nature and for doing what is not allowed  hence the day of judgement in not aso much far
    3. China made the coronavirus: in the recent years China is quite famous for its work in the field of genetic engineering and comes in the top countries so it is not foolish to think that the china made this virus via genetic engineering now question here is"why china spread the virus in its own country?"well answer for this is that when china made that virus the virus leaked from the lab and become part of the environment where it huntedp down 


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